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We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.   - Jimmy Neil Smith


The North Carolina Storytelling Guild (NCSG) is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity registered in North Carolina. Founded in 1998, NCSG spends 95% of all income promoting storytelling and storytellers throughout our region.

Board of Directors

July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025

  • President: Sam Pearsall
  • President Elect: Nancy Reeder
  • Treasurer: Steve Tate
  • Member-At-Large: Willa Brigham
  • Member-At-Large: Greg Whitt
  • Member-At-Large: Naomi Faw

Journal Editor: Sylvia Payne


To communicate the power, joy, and impact of story to every community in North Carolina.


To create and nurture a thriving community of storytellers through performance and education.


  • To affirm the value of storytelling by fostering an appreciation of oral traditions and the importance of story listening.
  • To educate and encourage storytellers and story listeners.
  • To promote excellence in oral tytradition.
  • To encourage emerging and and established artists.
  • To seek out the needs of North Carolina storytellers and respond by creating opportunities.

The Guild is focused on serving the storytelling community – storytellers and audiences alike by providing storytelling events, continuing education opportunities, and advocacy for the art of oral tradition. The Guild currently sponsors an annual Storytelling Festival, a Winter Workshop and a Spring Retreat. As you peruse our site, be sure to visit our Storyteller Directory to learn more about the great people who call the North Carolina Storytelling Guild home.

Thank you for visiting the North Carolina Storytelling Guild. We appreciate your interest in storytelling and your desire to learn more about the world of storytelling. The Guild is comprised of folks just like you, as well as storytellers, story listeners, and supporters of this fascinating art form. Guild members believe that stories can bring us closer to the truth about ourselves, about life and about living, as well as help us define our purpose here on earth. Stories connect us to others, and allow us to experience and share joys, sorrows, and new horizons.

Using the art of oral storytelling, we preserve the ancient tradition of passing down and sharing our stories with others. Flights of fantasy, our stories growing up, our elders’ stories, literary stories, folk tales and more, are all part of the wonderful, awe inspiring, thoughtful world of storytelling.

Search our site below for information about our storyteller members, our events, our Festival, and more.

Need more info? 

  . Email us



3550 Jess Hackett Rd.

Climax, NC 27233

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